

您当前位置: 首页>>资讯中心酒店布草使用年限和报损率你知道吗?


时间:2024-08-27 来源:http://www.jnadx.com/


  The hotel linens include bed sheets, duvet covers, towels, bath towels, etc. The quality of these linens directly affects the guest's accommodation experience. However, do you know the service life and reporting rate of hotel linens?


  举个例子:某饭店有客房320间,客房布草配备数为3套,被套洗涤次数为280次,枕套洗涤次数为230次,毛巾类洗涤次数为250次。预测客房年出租率为70% 试计算该饭店床单年度消耗定额。

  For example, a certain restaurant has 320 guest rooms, with 3 sets of linens in each room. The duvet covers are washed 280 times, pillowcases are washed 230 times, and towels are washed 250 times. Predict an annual occupancy rate of 70% for guest rooms and calculate the annual consumption quota for hotel bed sheets.

  {1} 每张被套实际年洗涤次数

  {1} Actual annual washing frequency per duvet cover


  360 days ÷ 3 sets × 70% occupancy rate ≡ 84 times

  {2} 被套实际洗涤年限

  {2} The actual washing period of the duvet cover


  The number of times the duvet cover has been washed is 280 times ÷ 84 times=3.3 years

  {3} 新被套到使用3年,每年报损率都有所不同

  {3} The new bedding has been used for 3 years, and the reported loss rate varies every year


  The service life of linen varies from hotel to hotel, but everyone hopes to extend the service life of linen. Below is my personal opinion.

  {1} 布草的材质, 色牢度, 断裂强度和断裂伸长率, 耐磨性, 和缩水性, 最后还有耐热性,都是采购布草注意的问题。

  {1} The material, color fastness, fracture strength and elongation at break, wear resistance, shrinkage resistance, and finally heat resistance of linen are all issues to be considered when purchasing linen.


  {2} Human factors, improper washing. Not properly allocating washing according to the color, quality, and degree of dirt of the fabric and clothing before washing.


  {3} The inner wall of the washing machine may have thorns or be partially uneven, which may cause scratches and damage during washing. The main characteristic is the phenomenon of yarn pulling and breakage.


  {4} The washing time is too long, causing abrasion of the linen fibers. Excessive use of detergent can lead to residue and difficulty in getting wet, causing the linen to turn gray and hard.


  {5} Chlorine bleaching is not necessarily better at higher temperatures. Generally, it is best to use temperatures between 65 ° C and 70 ° C. High temperatures can reduce the bleaching effect, increase the corrosion of the fabric, cause it to turn yellow, brittle, and eventually develop holes over time.


  {6} The storage and preservation environment of linen must be dry and ventilated to prevent mold growth. Long term use of linen should be sent back to the laundry room for drying at least once a year during the rainy season.


  {7} Coordinate the linen management work of various departments in the laundry room to prevent secondary pollution and human damage to the linen.


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